
New updates and improvements to TidyHQ

🪄 Contacts Table and Advanced Filtering Improvements

Contacts CRM

For many users, the contacts section is a core part of their tidy experience. With the addition of Advanced Filters, we made it even more powerful by allowing you to slice and dice your data as you see fit.

Today, we're beginning the roll out of some new features which will make this even more useful again for your clubs - and based on feedback from you, our customers, some tweaks to how it works to make it fit your flow better.

Improved Filtering Attributes

We've added a whole bunch of new, more flexible filtering attributes to make it easier for you to find the exact members you care about.

Filtering on Event Attendees

You can now filter by members who have attended specific events:

Choosing a specific event

Or, if you want to match multiple groups (e.g. to find anyone who has ever attended a Christmas Part), you can match across the event name:

Choosing an Event By Name

Matching Groups with Partial Names

Likewise, you can now match across people in groups with partial names. Note that in large organisations, this may be slow when used on it's own.

For example, to find anyone in any group with the word "2022" in the name:

Members searched by groups with 2022 in the name

Combined with a well structured naming scheme for your groups, this levels up the ability to combine groups, especially when used with Smart Groups which will automatically update them.

Matching Memberships by a Membership Level Name

As a final example, if you have a consistent naming scheme from your membership name, you can now match against the name of the membership level, not just a single level, to apply the same kind of logic:

Filtering by Membership Level Names

New Subscription Filtering Options

For advanced users, We've exposed more details around membership and subscription periods within them - Allowing you to filter by the latest subscription, as well as whether or not a given subscription is a renewal - Allowing you to, for instance, find all renewals in the last 30 days:

New Renewals in the Last 7 Days

Filtering by Notes

Likewise, we can now filter by notes - search for contacts with notes from specific people, or with specific content, to make it easier than ever to find members with important details on them.

Only show matching subscriptions and memberships

Now, when filtering on subscriptions and memberships, we'll only show (and include in the CSV export) the matched subscriptions / memberships.

Previously, exporting and the table would confusingly list all when using advanced filters, where as our old, traditional filters selection would only show a subset.

This means if you have members with lots of different memberships, you'll now only see the ones that matter according to what you've chosen.

If you require the old behaviour, please contact support.

Smarter Smart Group Updating

Finally, to combine all of these and make it more powerful (and a hint at our next feature), we now more intelligently update smart groups. If we detect a smart group is time based, it'll automatically update daily - even if the members within haven't changed anything.